Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another Baby

For those of you that either haven't talked to us in a while or are not on facebook, this may come as a surprise. For everyone else, it's just a repeat of what you already know. We are expecting another baby around the first of June. We are all very excited, including Audrey. She loves to look at the ultrasound photo and tell people that is the baby. She is a little confused though when it comes to what gender she would like the baby to be. This is how the conversation typically goes.
"Audrey, what would you like to have, a brother or sister?"
"I want a brother," replies Audrey.
"So, is the baby going to be a boy or a girl?"
Insistantly, Audrey says, "it is a girl."
We have tried to explain that girls are sisters and boys are brothers, but she sticks to the same line. So, I theorize that she will be happy whichever one it is.

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