Saturday, December 31, 2011

Word of the Day: Goodbye

The obvious reason that today we are saying Goodbye is because with the stroke of mid-night, we will say goodbye to 2011 and welcome to 2012. For our family, however, there is another goodbye that we must say. Our neighbors for the past several years, Javier and Nicole, are moving back to Chile, where they are originally from. They have the mirror unit of ours on the other side of the 11th floor, and they also have two little boys, the oldest of which was also born in April 2009. Augustin is in Audrey's class at school, and the two play together from time to time outside of school as well.
Most of us hate moving in general, but seeing Javier and Nicole go through this cross-continent move has really put things into perspective for me. We are so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends within driving distance that we can call on to help us pack, move, and entertain Audrey while we get things done. If and when we move again, remind me of this post so I can appreciate just how easy we really have it.
I know that we will miss their family, but we wish them well as they move closer to their families in South America. Here are some photos that we have of Audrey and Augustin decorating a Christmas cookie together earlier in the month.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Hope You Merry Christmas

Audrey's favorite song during this Christmas season has been her own version of "We Wish you a Merry Christmas," which goes "I hope you Merry Christmas." She likes to sing it at the top of her lungs while spinning in circles, and then proceeds to make up her own verses about whatever is on her mind at the time. I think we have a budding song-writing in our midst.
Here are a few other highlights from the past few days, made all the more entertaining by our nearly three year old daughter.
  • This year, Audrey recognized all of the gifts she got as soon as she opened them. This is the first year that she has really understood the concept of giving and getting gifts and been truly excited to open the gifts she got.
  • Lana's Mexican food on Christmas Eve...enough said.
  • Audrey "making" cupcakes with the new cupcake set Nana and Papa got her, putting the play candles on them, and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
  • Audrey recognizing the box from American Girl with clothes for her Bitty Baby, and running over to the couch to get Bitty and inform her that she had received a gift and needed to help Audrey open it.
  • Audrey stuffing her blanket, extra Bitty Baby clothes, her new chapstick, and her play telephone into her new backpack to take with us to Granny's on Christmas.
  • Audrey unwrapping the pink St. Louis Blues jersey from her Grandma and Grandpa and immediately hugging it to her bosom like she would never let it go.
  • My dad, my brother, his girlfriend Lauren, and my husband working late into the night building lego creations.
A huge thanks goes out to our family and friends for all of the thoughtful gifts, and for keeping Audrey's gifts small so that we can find room for them in our condo. Still, the best gift that I think we've gotten this year doesn't come in the form of something you can wrap. Instead, it is that kind of gift that is given unintentionally. That gift comes to Billy and me from Audrey in the form of potty training. While she still wears diapers at night, she generally makes it through the day wearing only big girl underwear and informing us when she needs to use the restroom. With the baby coming in less than 6 months now, it is such a relief that Audrey has started this process and is on her way to being fully potty trained before her younger sibling arrives. Thank you Audrey! This is by far your biggest accomplishment of 2011.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Audrey and The Grinch

Last night, Audrey got to go see her first live stage production. We went to the new Peabody Opera House to see the musical How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Audrey really enjoyed it. When we first told Audrey we would be going to a show, her first question was whether she would get snacks at the show. She got to wear her new brown shoes that we got to wear with her Christmas dress, so I took a picture of her by the tree. She looks so grown up! Audrey was very good for the entire show. She sat in our laps and watched intently. She really liked the dog, Max. Every time he would come on stage she would point and exclaim, "The puppy!"

Monday, December 5, 2011


Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for Nance baby #2. I guess we're calling the baby shrimp now, since our facebook post made the comparison of the size of the baby to a shrimp.
I have heard people tell me that each pregnancy is different, just like they say each child/dog/cat/etc. is different from any other. Still, I went into this pregnancy thinking I had this down. Well, I guess God thought I needed a wake-up call, because man, is it different. Not only are our circumstances different: we already have a toddler, we both have more responsibility at work, and there is a greater need to sell the condo. That may not seem like that much, but it really feels like a world of difference. Pile on top of that the fact that my mood swings are out of control (and that is not an exaggeration), I think my stomach hates me, and my food aversions are stronger.All of that combined makes a royal mess. I know that I have been difficult to live with lately, so I thank Billy and Audrey both for bearing with me. Whenever I am "sad" (i.e. crying uncontrollably), Audrey comes over to me every once in a while and just gives me a big bear hug. It is the sweetest thing in the world, which only causes more crying. I remember having my moments when I was pregnant with Audrey, but nothing like this. I am just going to keep praying that this passes with the first trimester, and I soon enter some territory for smooth sailing.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another Baby

For those of you that either haven't talked to us in a while or are not on facebook, this may come as a surprise. For everyone else, it's just a repeat of what you already know. We are expecting another baby around the first of June. We are all very excited, including Audrey. She loves to look at the ultrasound photo and tell people that is the baby. She is a little confused though when it comes to what gender she would like the baby to be. This is how the conversation typically goes.
"Audrey, what would you like to have, a brother or sister?"
"I want a brother," replies Audrey.
"So, is the baby going to be a boy or a girl?"
Insistantly, Audrey says, "it is a girl."
We have tried to explain that girls are sisters and boys are brothers, but she sticks to the same line. So, I theorize that she will be happy whichever one it is.