Sunday, December 12, 2010

Preparing our Hearts

The Christmas season always seems to be a challenge for so many people who try to make it perfect for their families and themselves.  If I were to deny that I fall into this group, I would be lying.  This year, I started advent with a women's event at church where a speaker talked about her best and worst Christmas, and she talked about how the period leading up to Christmas, called advent, is a time of waiting and preparation for Christ's coming.  Now, I have been a part of advent worship for years, but this is the first time that I really thought about advent in this light.  I sing the carols that ask for Christ's coming. I have opened the windows on my advent calendar.  I have even been a part of lighting the advent wreath.  So why did I miss this ever important key part of the Christmas story? 
That question has been on my heart and mind since that event 2 weeks ago.  The conclusion that I have come to is that I was so consumed with having the perfect Christmas that I forgot to partake in the season of advent.  I was only focused on the holiday celebrations, putting up the perfect decorations, buying the perfect gifts for people, fitting in a little time with all of our family, etc.  I did not even think about the wait that advents commemorates.  That is, the wait for a Savior, who came once and will come to us again.  In doing so, I always fell short in making my Christmas celebration genuine, and in the end it seemed like a let-down.  I would stress out about the material parts of Christmas and forget to focus on the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. Yes, spending time with family is an important part of Christmas, but it should not consume all of my thoughts and efforts. My heart will truly rejoice when there is true anticipation of something wonderful. 
Audrey is still a little young to remember this Christmas, but I am glad that God prompted me to start thinking about this while she is still so young.  Other than trying to play with ornaments on the tree and the thrill of opening gifts, I don't think Audrey has noticed that it is the Christmas season.  As she grows, I hope that we can impart to her the reason that we celebrate Christmas.  I want her to see past the gifts, Santa Claus, pretty decorations, and family gatherings to the most wonderful gift that God gave us in his son Jesus. All of those things are fun, but they shouldn't overshadow God's gift.  That said, I pray that God will help me to use all of the festivities of advent to truly prepare the hearts and minds of my family for the coming of our Savior. 

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