Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Audrey is starting to learn a few polite gestures, the most obvious of which is the use of the word please.  She uses the word correctly, but does so in the typical toddler way that makes you wonder if she really understands its purpose.  For example, when she wants a snack or more food at dinner, she points, looks at you and says, "Peeeeeeez" as she squints her eyes and smiles mischievously.  If and when she does not get what she asks for, the polite request is followed by the typical toddler pouting and crying.  Thankfully, she is still young enough that the frustration wears off quickly when she gets distracted by something else.  We are also working on saying "thank you" and "you're welcome," but we still have a way to go with those.  It is amazing how quickly they learn the word that helps them get something but take their time with the ones that show gratitude.   

Audrey is also starting to use a number of other words and to call people by their names.  She still tends to leave the letters r, l, h, and d largely unpronounced.  She has, however, learned to vocalize the "ka" sound.  So, now the words Jack, milk, walk, work, school, stuck, etc. are her favorite to say.  Unfortunately, I can't tell the difference between walk and work when she says them.  I have to use context to decipher.  I used to wonder how anyone understood toddlers, but now I know that it just comes from a lot of exposure to the same child.  When we visit with friends and family, I often feel like an interpreter.  Nonetheless, I am constantly amazed at her ability to learn new words and quickly begin to use them in the correct context.

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