Monday, January 18, 2010

A Little Personality

Audrey is getting old enough that her personality has started to show.  She is constantly on the move and getting into everything she can find.  She continues to go after the dog food in the dog bowls, but now she has also started showing interest in power cords and othe electronics.  She got Billy's old blackberry to play with now that we have new phones, and she absolutely loves it.  I guess she takes after her dad with the electronics fascination. 
Audrey is also getting to try more foods.  She is getting real fruits and vegitables and not just the baby food anymore.  Tonight we're going to try some steamed carrots, since baby food carrots are her favorite.  We'll see how she likes the real thing!  When we do give her finger foods, she can't get the food into her mouth fast enough much of the time.  It is hard to say which one of her parents she gets her love of food from though.  She can eat as much as she wants though, because as much as she is moving around, she needs it. 
Audrey also love animals.  She giggles and grabs at Jackson and Stella any time they are near her.  Last night, she met two cats at our friends Dan and Tara's house.  Coopy and Hank amused Audrey to no end; when they would come close to her, she would start laughing with really deep belly laughs.  We did have to watch her, because she wanted to touch their faces, but other than that, she did very well with them. 
I think the most rewarding trait that Audrey has developed is her love of her parents.  When I pick her up, she buries her head in my shoulder and wraps her arms around me.  With her dad, she just grins when he walks in the door.  Saturday evening, she had a teething toy that she kept holding up to her dad.  He would open his mouth and act like he was going to chew on it, which Audrey thought was hilarious.  She really does love to laugh. 
At the doctor today, Audrey showed off how she is growing. She is now 29.5 inches long.  Yes, that is still the 97th percentile.  For weight, at 20 lbs she is only in the 75th percentile.  Maybe her length is why she prefers to crawl over trying to walk.  She can stand on her own for as much as 30 seconds, but when she wants to move, she just sits down and then crawls.  Billy thinks she will be walking before she's 10 months old on February 3.  I don't think she'll be walking by then, because I don't think she seems very motivated to do it.  We'll let you know who is right!  

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