Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is it time yet?

After all of the progress I made during the past few weeks, this past week has been somewhat disappointing.  I have not progressed any closer to labor than I was a week ago.  We are so excited to meet our baby that it is getting harder and harder to wait.  I've been having regular contractions, but none of them are painful, which, according to my doctor, is the indicator that it is real labor.  So, we talked with the doctor this week, and she really doesn't want to let me go more than a week overdue.  Thus, April 8 we have an induction scheduled, if our little one doesn't decide to make an appearance before then.  We pray that God will give us patience to trust His perfect timing.  

In the meantime, we are trying to stay focused on spending these last baby-less days playing with our puppies and spending time with each other.  I would like to get as much sleep as possible too!  We know we'll be missing that once the baby comes, so we need to rest up while we can.  We'll let everyone know when the baby's here.  Until then, we'll all just keep wondering, "Is it time yet?" 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Waiting Game

After months of preparation, we're coming down to the finish.  My body is showing several signs that it is preparing for labor and delivery of the baby, but there is no way to know when exactly when I will go into labor.  Every week when I visit the doctor, I leave wishing I had more solid details.  This week, the doctor even said "if I see you at your office appointment next week..."  Since then, every time I have a pain or the baby moves a certain way, I start to wonder if it's a sign of labor.  I feel like I am in an action movie that keeps dragging on without ever getting to the exciting part!
This weekend was good for us though; we had a chance to pack the hospital bags, run some last minute errands, and get a few things done around the house.  I even managed to get some quality sleep!  With that, the preparation phase comes to a close and the real waiting game begins.  You'll all be hearing from us when the waiting is finally over! 
If you're looking at the new pictures and wondering what you are looking at, it is a diaper cake!  One of my co-workers made it for me.  My department threw a surprise shower for me last Tuesday and did a good job of surprising me.  Audrey got some more clothes, toys, diapers, and a fleece blanket.  I will have some other pictures to add of the surprise shower once I get them from my coworker. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Showers Galore

I have to say, last weekend made me realize just how blessed little Audrey is to have so many people that already love and care about her.  She will never want for love or affection from the family and friends that God has blessed us with. 

The first shower was all "Pickles and Ice Cream."  That was the shower dated 3-7, if you're looking at the pictures.  It was all about food, much of which included favorites of mine:  York peppermint patties, M&Ms, chocolate chip cookies, pretzels and cheese, and of course, pickles and ice cream sundaes.  No, I did not put any pickles on my sundae.  Audrey got some great gifts including a good mix of practical and fun items.  Billy had fun putting together the bottle rack and diaper genie the next day! 

The second shower was in Greenville with family and friends.  I don't think I've ever opened that many gifts at one time, even after our wedding!  Audrey got several hand-made blankets in addition to all of the cute clothes and other necessities.  After both of these showers, I am relieved to say that our baby registry is basically complete.  We are going to run to Babies'r'Us tomorrow to buy the few items we have left. 

I had such a good time last weekend seeing everyone and spending a little more time with you before the baby arrives.  It is hard to believe that next time most of you see me, I will probably have a little baby with me!  Thank you to everyone who helped to plan the showers; I really enjoyed them and am grateful to everyone for the support you've given us!