Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dogs and Babies

As the time for Audrey's arrival gets closer and we accumulate more baby "stuff," I think our dogs are starting to catch on to the fact that something is happening.  As we get a new big baby item, we set it up and leave it out for a bit so that the dogs can acclimate.  This week, we got the pack'n'play (a.k.a. play-yard, hi-tech playpen, etc).  As we put it together, Stella found the place in the house that put the most space between her and this new item.  Even Jack was a bit freaked out by it, but I think that had more to do with the fact that Billy tried to put him inside of it.  Jack then discovered the mobile of plush teddy bears that came with the pack'n'play, which he just assumed were his.  He grabbed one of the bears in his mouth and proceeded to try to drag the entire mobile across the floor.  And so begins the game of "no, that is the baby's toy." 
It will definitely be interesting to see how the dogs do when the baby actually arrives.  Jack is so laid back after his experience living at the KA house, that after the initial meet'n'greet, I don't think he'll be phased at all.  Stella, on the other hand, will be much more interesting to watch.  She is extremely frightened by anything new or noisy.  She also gets jealous any time any person or dog is getting more attention than she is.  I just wonder how long it will take her to move from being scared of the baby to being put out by the amount of attention the baby gets.  The dogs will be fun to watch, and I am sure we'll enjoy seeing of our predictions are realized or whether the dogs completely surprise us with their reactions!

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