Sunday, April 21, 2019

Celebrating Easter

We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather on this Easter Sunday.  I guess that is one upside of having Easter later in April. To make it even better, our church had an outdoor service (in a large tent) on the lawn today to accommodate more people, since our sanctuary maxes out most Sundays anyway. It was amazing sitting together with my family worshiping God together!  Days like today make it easier to praise and worship God.  It's just so beautiful; I feel so blessed. 

To make it even better, we got a family photo where everyone is looking at the camera and at least has a pleasant look on their face.  I guess God knew I needed a little pick me up before Billy left for Seattle for 2 weeks (he's actually in there now).  

The kids had fun opening their Easter baskets. They get so much candy from other places that I stopped doing candy in their baskets. So, the got mostly art supplies and some clothes they needed (that I probably would've bought them anyway, but don't tell them that). That didn't reduce their excitement at all. 

Fletcher has been begging for sunglasses every time we go outside, so I got him a pair of sunglasses too. He is pretty pumped about them, even if they are a little big.

Our church had their egg hunt last weekend. Barrett missed out because he had hockey, but Audrey and Fletcher brought home enough candy for all of us.  At first, Fletcher was extremely cautious, which I think was primarily due to the large number of kids (and him being one of the younger ones in the group).  After he got the hang of it though, he was on a roll.  And he had no desire to look for eggs.  He just picked up all the candy he could find. 

Audrey was not in a mood to have her picture taken, so the only ones I got were action shots. This one here is my personal favorite because you can tell just how competitive she was getting.

After the church hunt, we went to Greenville to celebrate with my family.  Again, Audrey and Barrett didn't want to cooperate, but I got some adorable pictures of Fletcher and Macie.

Again, I am just so grateful for all of the blessings we have and all of the fun we've had these past couple of weeks celebrating our Savior. 

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