Sunday, October 21, 2018

Crazy Nance Fam Travels: Part 1

Back in January, Billy and I got this great idea to take the kids on a cruise for spring break.  We quickly realized that 2 months wasn't enough time to plan and coordinate that, so we decided to aim for the kids' fall break. So, this past week, we got to take our much anticipated vacation after months of planning.  

For both Barrett and Fletcher, this was their first time on an airplane.  They both did great.  I had hoped Fletcher would sleep.  Fortunately, we were next to a very nice man who didn't mind how active Fletcher was when he didn't sleep.

The first stop on our trip was Orlando, Florida and Universal Studios.  Audrey wanted to go there because of the Harry Potter exhibits and rides.  Audrey and I agreed, the Hogwarts ride was definitely the coolest one. Barrett liked the Spiderman ride the best though.  For Fletcher, I think the Dr. Suess Fish ride was the highlight.  

They did all agree that the Butter Beer at Harry Potter Land was delicious. It was especially good after a lot of walking on a hot Florida afternoon. 

Initially, Fletcher did not like all of the characters roaming around the park in their costumes.  By the end, however, we managed to get him to go say hi to the "kitty cat" more commonly known as Puss in Boots.  He's never seen the movie, but we did get some pictures! 

The kids loved the Volcano Bay water park too. We spent most of our first day there and ended up going back the second day because they liked it so much.  I guess we are one of those families that loves the water.  

After spending the days at the parks, the kids just wanted to relax at the hotel.  Chilling at the hotel pool was always their first choice, until the sent went down and it started getting chilly.

One night, we decided to try bowling.  The kids did well, especially after we requested the bumpers for them.  I think our arms were all a little sore the next day, but it was a lot of fun.

We tried a lot of different foods at Universal too, although all the kids wanted were pizza, hamburgers and chicken strips. The Cowfish Sushi/burger fusion place was their favorite though, which did bring a certain amount of pride as a parent. We also squeezed in breakfast at Homer Simpson's favorite donut shop one morning too.

After a few days of walking, rides, and waiting in line, we were already for a bit of R&R.  That came in the form of a cruise for the 2nd leg of our trip.  That will also come in a second post since this one is already getting too long!  

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