Sunday, November 12, 2017

Gratitude for Generosity

The current sermon series at our church is focused on generosity, and this past week, they've been sending out daily devotional emails on the subject.  All week I've been reading them, pondering how I am using the resources God has given me, and praying that God would guide me in the ways he wants me to share those resources.  As the week neared its end, the focus of our nation turned to the many veterans who have served our country over the past 2 centuries.  This caused a shift in my focus too.  I began to ponder the generosity of those individuals who have been part of our country's armed forces.

I have several friends who are or have been part of the military.  I have seen them, for lack of a better description, put their lives on hold when they went overseas on a tour of duty.  They literally packed up their lives and put them in storage sheds until they returned a year or more later.  They put relationships on hold in many ways, postponing weddings, having family Christmas in November, and more; in some cases, relationships ended. They've moved their families all over the world. They've seen things that sometimes wake them up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.  I've heard the stories of the food they had to eat, the beds they slept on, and the outdoor showers they used to try to bathe.

It is difficult for me to imagine the hardships these people have endured, because I was never willing to give that much of myself to serve our country.  The service of these veterans is a true example of the generosity God calls us all to have.  I can't even find the words to express my gratitude.  So, while my words may be simple, please know that they are coming from a place of sincere love and gratitude.

To all of those veterans that have generously sacrificed to serve our country, I thank you. 

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