Thursday, August 17, 2017

1st Day Jitters

Yesterday was the first day of school for the 2017 school year for our kiddos.  For Audrey, it means the start of her 3rd grade year.  For Barrett, it is kindergarten...his first year in elementary school.

Each year, the first day of school brings so many mixed emotions for me.  It takes me back to my own school days with the anticipation of a new year, anxiety of the unknown, hope for an amazing year, and sadness of the end of summer.  It also conjures up new feelings of joy for all of the new things my children will learn, anxiety of the unknown, hope that they'll do their best, and sadness that this milestone marks how much closer they are to adulthood.  As a parent though, I have to mask all of the things I am feeling so that they can experience this day in their own way without all of my baggage to take along with them.  Admittedly, that's hard.

In order to keep my emotions in check, I channel my energy into more productive endeavors, the fruits of which are included here. Photos.  Lots and lots of photos.  Enjoy!

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