Sunday, March 5, 2017

First Haircut

Yesterday, Fletcher got his crazy mop top trimmed down to make him a respectable looking young gentleman.  It was long overdue, but like any self-respecting boy-mom, I waited until the rat-tail was halfway down his back and he couldn't see if you didn't brush the hair out of his eyes.  As a reminder of just how out of hand his hair had gotten, here are a couple of before photos.

We took him to the place that Billy and Barrett have gone to for some time now.  Fletcher did pretty well at first, but after a few minutes, he grew restless.  I guess that can only be expected of an 10.5 month old boy.  Billy helped hold him still though to ensure he got an even trim.

After the big cut, I think Fletcher looks so much older.  He really is exiting the baby phase and entering toddlerhood.  Look at our big, little, baby boy now! 

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