Sunday, November 27, 2016

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week has been super fun, really hectic, and a little crazy.  From Thanksgiving meals with delicious food and visits with family to Christmas decorating at home, it feels like the past 4 days we've been going non-stop.  With everything I want to say, bullet-points seem to work best.  So, here goes!
  • At Granny's in Litchfield we ate way too much, watched Barrett ride the exercise bike and wear himself out (I think we might need to get one just for that reason) and visited with family.
  • Fletcher started crawling last week, but in the past four days he's really refined his craft.  At my parents house, he got the lid off of a small popcorn tin and quickly found out that it made some really exciting noise. 
  • Audrey (with some help from my brother and sister-in-law) convinced Billy to put a whole roll of bubble tape gum in his mouth. 
  • The only reason Barrett slowed down all weekend was to sleep or sit on Laurenn's lap.

  • We decorated for Christmas, and in the process we: disovered the handheld Dyson wasn't charged, broke a glass ornament full of little white fuzz balls, lost an ornament that fell down in the tree because the tree was so big, found that ornament after 5 solid minutes of looking, found out Fletcher likes wearing reindeer antlers, and were constantly surprised by how far Fletcher had crawled and what he was getting into.

Yes, look at that last photo again, because I think that makes it official.  Fletcher is mobile.  Our lives will never be the same.  Watch out world!

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