Sunday, September 11, 2016

5 Months

You're 5 months old, and it's really becoming evident that you are not a newborn anymore.  You move a lot, you sleep less, and you have much better control of your body than you used to.  You've discovered your feet, and you love to see how far they'll fit into your mouth.  Your feet aren't the only thing you put in  your mouth though.  Your hands are almost always in your mouth if there is nothing else within reach.  All of your toys go into your mouth.  Blanket, clothes, your binky holder and my hair all go into your mouth.  And everything comes out covered in slobber...lots and lots of slobber.  You drool constantly.  Sometimes, when your really happy, you find it extremely amusing to blow spit bubbles.  Because of that, bibs have become your go to fashion accessory. 

You can roll onto your belly and do it almost immediately every time you are on a flat surface.  You can use your arms to push up your head and shoulders so you can look around when you're on your belly.  You even like to sleep on your belly.  You haven't mastered the skill of rolling to your back again from your belly, and you get extremely frustrated when you try unsuccessfully. 

You also like to be upright as much as possible.  That means playing in your exer-saucer and sitting up with some support from a pillow or an attentive adult.  You are getting so strong; it is fun to watch you move around to reach for toys or play when you're sitting up. I try to keep you sitting up as much as possible, because your hair has started to rub off on the back of your head where you are constantly rolling around on it.  I

This month marked a big got to eat something other than breastmilk!  You had rice cereal for the first time, and you LOVED it!  You gobbled it up like you'd been eating it for years.  Your siblings are extremely amused by your newfound culinary interests.  Soon I am sure they'll get a chance to try their hand at feeding you.  You are doing so well eating off of a spoon.  This week we're going to expand your pallet to some veggies. 

You went to the doctor this past month and confirmed my suspicions.  You are still at the 75th percentile for your height and only the 30th for your weight.  That's right.  You are a beanpole, even at 5 months old.  You've gained a little more roundness in your face, but you very obviously lack the Michelin Man baby rolls that most young ones are sporting at your age.  You still give fantastic cuddles though.  You love to be rocked to sleep, and I relish those moments.  I love holding you and having you reach up and touch my face.  When I look down and see your gummy smile, it melts my heart, because I realize just how blessed I am to be your momma. 

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