Friday, August 19, 2016

First Day 2016

The first day of school.  It is a day of excitement, apprehension, and relief.  In modern days, it's become the day everyone posts pictures of their children on facebook holding some sort of sign displaying the date and grade the child is entering.  Those photos by themselves may seem repetitive or unnecessary.  But when you put photos of the same child year after year side by side, it tells a story. 

I have taken pictures of my kids every year since Audrey started kindergarten.  I also have one on Barrett's first day of daycare in 2012, which just happened to be in August.  So, here it is.  A quick history of the past 4 years of first days of school.  Seeing Audrey on her first day of kindergarten shows me just how much she has grown.  It seems like she has been pretty much the same over the past couple of years, but these pictures prove me wrong.  How is it that my kids are getting so big!
2012 Pre-K and Infant room

2014 Kindergarten and 2-Year room


2015 1st Grade and 3 Year room

2016 2nd Grade and Pre-K

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