Sunday, August 21, 2016

Rite of Passage

There are many rites of passage in the lives of a young girl, and none of them is more memorable than getting your ears pierced.  I was 8, and I still remember the day well.  My mom had told me I had to be 13 before I got my ears pierced, because that is how old she was.  However, my aunt Nancy was one of the most persuasive people I have ever known.  So, after a day of shopping with her, my mom was convinced to let me go ahead and pierce my ears. 

For Audrey, I didn't have a hard fast rule.  I just wanted to make sure she was old enough to be responsible and take care of her ear piercings.  To that end, this summer, she had to show that she could be responsible and take care of her things.  She also had to read several chapter books.  Since she completed her goals, yesterday was the big day.  When she woke up, she chose a dress to wear, because "it was comfortable but still looked a little fancy."  We went to Claire's at West County Mall right when it opened.  She chose simple little studs that have just a little sparkle.  She was excited, but nervous.  Despite the nerves, she was extremely brave and didn't shed a tear. 

As silly as it is, she seems so much more grown up with the earrings.  She's so grown up in fact that she started taking selfies.  She made sure you could see her earrings after she took the one below.  It is so fun to share these moments with my daughter!

Friday, August 19, 2016

First Day 2016

The first day of school.  It is a day of excitement, apprehension, and relief.  In modern days, it's become the day everyone posts pictures of their children on facebook holding some sort of sign displaying the date and grade the child is entering.  Those photos by themselves may seem repetitive or unnecessary.  But when you put photos of the same child year after year side by side, it tells a story. 

I have taken pictures of my kids every year since Audrey started kindergarten.  I also have one on Barrett's first day of daycare in 2012, which just happened to be in August.  So, here it is.  A quick history of the past 4 years of first days of school.  Seeing Audrey on her first day of kindergarten shows me just how much she has grown.  It seems like she has been pretty much the same over the past couple of years, but these pictures prove me wrong.  How is it that my kids are getting so big!
2012 Pre-K and Infant room

2014 Kindergarten and 2-Year room


2015 1st Grade and 3 Year room

2016 2nd Grade and Pre-K

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

4 months old

Today marks your 4 month birthday. As I was looking at you this morning, it dawned on me just how much you have grown since you were born. You've totally lost that newborn look. Your cheeks are fuller, your gaze more focused, and your face is rarely expressionless. You have learned many new things over this past month. Your latest Discovery is your feet. You have worked tirelessly over the last few days to insert your toes into your mouth but have yet to succeed in those endeavors. Every once in awhile, I will push your toe into your mouth, and your face lights up with joy.
You have started to recognize different people that you interact with regularly and stranger danger is definitely setting in. When someone picks you up that you do not know, your mouth quickly turns upside down and is followed closely by an unmisatkable wail.  You do like being held facing out though so you can look around.  When you are safe in mommy or daddy's arms, you love meeting strangers and greet them with a smile. 
You continue to be a pretty laid-back baby. You enjoy spending time on your play mat by yourself, and I think that's because you rarely get a moment alone. Your brother and sister are always close by. I still have to remind your brother not to be too rough with you, and that is likely the reason you do not like for him to hold you. Every time I sit you in his lap, it only takes about 30 seconds before you start fussing. Your sister on the other hand can hold you and play with you anytime, and you always seem pleased with that. She really is your second Mommy. Your daddy and I sometimes joke that she is our 7 year old babysitter. One of your favorite activities is "playing" with your siblings.  When they are laughing, you always try to laugh with them.  It makes my heart smile.
One of your least favorite things (aside from being tired or hungry) is when your daddy or brother make loud noises really close to you.  Your daddy sometimes says funny things or sings silly songs, and you start wailing.  The pouty face is so funny that I had to get some pictures. 
The last week or so, you have started to follow a pretty consistent routine. You're still waking up a couple times per night, but you're usually getting two long stretches of sleep and you always go right back to sleep after I feed you. You also still love to be swaddled when you sleep. I don't think your brother or your sister continued to like swaddling at 4 months, so I am curious to see how much longer you like it.  One thing that the swaddler does make extremely evident is just how long you are. You go to the pediatrician in a couple more weeks, and I will be extremely surprised if you are not in at least the 75th percentile for your height. You also have large. You are wearing 12 to 24 months size socks, and have some sleepers that your feet are too big for even though the rest of your body fits just fine. In the past month,you've started to outgrow some 3 months sized outfits too.
I am really enjoyinthis baby phase, but I know it is going to come to an end all too soon.  You're already sitting up very well in your bumbo chair.  Just today, you lifted your head and shoulders when you were in your bouncy chair and sat up on your own in it.  You've also started losing some of the hair on the back and sides of your head from rolling around on your play mat.  You're able to get from your stomach to your back pretty consistently but still don't seem to have much desire to roll back to front. 

I love being your mommy and am so thankful that God has blessed me with that responsiblity.  I look forward to watching you grow more and to see what that budding personality will become.