Sunday, July 10, 2016

Three Months Old

Today you are three months old.  It seems like it was so long ago that you turned 2 months old.  It is not that the time has gone by slowly though; it is because you have changed so much.  You've gotten into a pretty good routine.  While the times aren't always consistent, it is much easier to figure out what you need when you're fussy.  This has been a great relief with me returning to work and the nanny beginning to stay with you every day. 

The time you spend awake during the day is increasing.  You've been smiling and cooing for a while, but now you also reach out to grab things and try to roll toward things.  We can now lay you on your play mat and you will play.  You reach for the toys hanging above  you and kick your feet like you're trying to swim.  You've also started trying to put everything you can get your hands on in your mouth.  You still aren't so coordinated that we have to start watching for choking hazards around the house, but that time is coming soon.  That will be a huge change for your siblings, as they both are pretty bad about leaving tiny legos laying around the house.  You especially love getting your hands into your mouth.  I wonder if you'll stick to the pacifiers we're using now or if you'll resort to sucking your thumb like your older siblings.

Speaking of your siblings, you still adore them.  Today at your sister's piano recital, you and your brother were playing and laughing at each other.  Your sister likes to lay next to you when you're on your play mat to try to get you to roll.  You have successfully rolled to your belly a couple of times, but you can't get that pesky arm out of the way to get all the way over.  I should also mention that your siblings both love to dress you.  Surprisingly, when it is Barrett's turn to choose an outfit, he almost always chooses plaid.  Audrey likes the outfits with ducks on them.  So, when you look back on pictures of you when you were a baby, you'll know that when you were wearing plaid, thank your brother, and when you were wearing duckies, thank your sister.


In the past month you've had a couple of major milestones.  You rolled over to your belly, you went to your first show at the Muny, you had your first overnight stay with out mommy and daddy, and mommy went back to work.  You really are pretty adaptable, so none of these things seemed to phase you at all. You just continue to be pretty easy going.

Oh, I almost forgot about the hair.  It seems as though your hair is getting redder.  That's right, you now have a strawberry blonde hue that everyone comments on.  People have even been noticing it in pictures that we've posted.  I am curious to see how that continues to change over time, but for right now you're my red-headed baby. 

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