Monday, October 12, 2015

What's Going On?

Since I have not done a very good job lately of keeping this blog current, I figured that I would jump back into it with one of those all encompassing, high-level summary type posts that captures the happenings of our lives over the past couple of months.  So, here goes!

Since school started, we still managed to make it to the lake for Labor Day.  Unfortunately, I left the memory card for the camera in the computer, so I only have a couple of photos I took on my phone.  The kids had so much fun together, and Barrett and Logan decided to take everything they could pick up on the patio of the lake house to build a tower.  So, here is a photo of their masterpiece. 

Since Labor Day, we haven't made it down to Lake of the Ozarks.  We have spent a few weekends just trying to get caught up on things around the house, going to birthday parties with the kids, and trying to find some time to relax.  We went to Greenville one weekend for my cousin Cody's wedding reception. 

One of the highlights of the past month for the kids was attending the Greentree Parade in Kirkwood.  It is sort of the like the local homecoming parade.  All of the Kirkwood schools have a float, and our kids could have walked in the parade, but chose instead to watch.  It was a beautiful morning, and the kids really enjoyed themselves.  Barrett loved seeing the fire trucks, but he did not like hearing them.  Audrey had fun waving at all of her friends that were in the parade.  And, they both LOVED collecting candy.  I was surprised by how much they got too!


The past couple of weeks, Billy started work to finish out the drywall in the garage so we can paint it and build a storage loft.  That means lots, and lots, and lots of mudding and sanding.  Fortunately, the kids thought it was fun (at least for the first day).  Audrey actually helped sand for about 2 hours.  She said she wanted to learn how to mud, but when the time came, she opted to play with her dolls instead. 

While working on this post, I realized that I did not use my real camera (not the one on my phone) during the entire month of September!  So, as we get into the fall groove, gear up for Halloween, and get as much time outdoors as possible before the winter cold sets in, I plan to be much more diligent about updating the blog and taking lots of photos (especially of the kids).  I am posting it here, because if I post it on the internet, that means it will happen, right? 

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