Monday, March 30, 2015

Dancing our Wiggles Out

When it is time for bed, but Audrey and Barrett still insist on a few more minutes of playtime, we like to crank up the music and do some dancing.  We call it dancing the wiggles out.  Usually, we turn on JoyFM, because then I don't have to worry about rushing to the stereo to change the station.  Tonight we had one such dance party, and I decided to start shooting some photos.  The results were hilarious, so I decided to share.  The looks on the kids faces make me chuckle, and I hope they do the same for you!

I should also confirm that those are balloon animals they got at an event with Barrett's preschool.  Something about dancing with balloon animals is just so stinkin' cute!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Break Part 2

The rest of the kid's spring break flew by.  Both children and parents really enjoyed it.  I think they're more ready to go back to school than Billy and I are to go back to work!  When I heard everyone talk about their upcoming spring break trips, I was a little jealous, but I think we made the most of our little stay-cation this year.  Here is a quick rundown of all of fun we had. 

Billy took them to Greenville Tuesday to hang out with family while the dogs visited the vet. 
They even got to hang out on grandma and grandpa's boat (on land) for a bit. 

Wednesday was spent at home playing legos and getting one last play day in with daddy. Daddy was sad to see his spring break end, but mommy was excited for mine to start. 

Thursday, I stayed home with the kids.  We did some shopping and errand running before coming home and getting in some good snuggle time on the couch. Oh, and there was a fair amount of dancing and getting our wiggles out.  Barrett also showed off what he has learned from daddy about how to hold a hockey stick.

Friday, the kids and I had a great play day at home making tents, playing at the park, and playing hockey.  Audrey also got a haircut, and the stylist put braids in her hair afterwards, which she thought was awesome.

This week, it's back to the usual schedule.  Even though we're going back to school and work, the weather is starting to get nice, which makes everything better.  Now that it has started to act like spring outside, I foresee many more park days in our future. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Break Day 1

This is Audrey's first official Spring Break from school, which lucky is at the same time as Barrett's Spring Break from daycare.  Leslie and I decided to split the week in order to save some vacation days together as a family at the Lake this summer.  Our first day included a trip to the Zoo with Nancy, Louis, Owen, and Charlotte Krelle.  It was a great time and I think the kids enjoyed it too.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Audrey Lost a Tooth!

For the first time, unassisted by concrete floors and clumsiness, one of Audrey's teeth fell out.  It had been growing increasingly wiggly for over a week, and at dinner Thursday night she was complaining that it hurt.  I looked at it, and it was barely hanging on.  After dinner, Billy worked with her to get her to try to pull it out herself.  She couldn't get it done, and asked him to help her.  He took advantage of the invitation and got it out quickly.  She was so proud that she let him pull it; I guess that has not been the norm with the kids in her class.  Once it was out, we could see the new tooth already pushing through her gums.  My baby girl is growing up, and she has a permanent tooth to prove it. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sledding, Snowmen and Soup

After an early snow in November, we spent December and January wondering if we would go an entire winter without getting to sled or build a snowman.  Two weeks ago, we had a great snow for sledding, but it was too powdery for snowmen.  Then, yesterday afternoon, the flakes started falling.  It was a slow but steady stream of snow that lasted throughout the night.  So, after church this morning, we warmed up with homemade soup, and then ventured out into the cold, white wonderland.  The kids really enjoyed the sledding and Billy and I managed to make two snowmen.  I, of course, was toting around the camera taking photos while Billy was throwing snowballs at me.  Despite the constant bombardment, I still managed to take a few great photos of the kids.




Now that we've had our fun snow and have gotten to play in it, I am ready for spring.  After all, Easter is only a few weeks away.