Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Long Overdue

I realize this post is long overdue.   There is no particularly good reason for why it's been so long since I posted.  Honestly, after a busy Christmas holiday and the subsequent chores around the house (cleaning through old toys and finding homes for new ones, putting away Christmas decorations, and working out like mad because of all of the treats I ate over the holidays), I just didn't feel like it.  I guess you could say I was burned out.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Christmas, the family get togethers, the food, giving gifts, etc.  However, I also love the month of January when we have a chance to slow things down, spend some quality family time together, and get a few things done around the house.  After a hectic December, a quiet January is always welcome in my book.

As I said, we  had a great Christmas holiday.  The kids are both quite proficient with gift opening now.  Barrett was on such a roll at my parent's house that he halfway opened one of my dad's gifts.  His favorite gifts were his power drill and chainsaw (both kid versions) and his legos.  Audrey had many favorites, and it changes each time I ask her.  Here are just a few that she's mentioned:  dolls, dollhouse, dance bag, clothes, frozen hat, frozen lunch box, and of course, legos.  It was really fun this year not just to see them open the gifts, but to watch them play with the gifts afterwards.  They are both growing up so fast.

I feel so blessed by all of the wonderful gifts as well as the many gatherings we had to visit with family and friends.   I know by this fall, I'll be ready to do it all again!

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