Sunday, November 9, 2014

Big Boy Underwear

Last Wednesday when I picked Barrett up from school, he had a big sticker on his chest.  That happens at least one a week, so it was no surprise.  What was surprising is what his teacher wrote on the sticker.  It said, "I peed in the potty today."  I was delighted.  We've been talking about it and bought some underwear a few weeks ago, but we haven't pushed it at all.  So, I let him tell daddy, we praised him a lot, and we went about our evening like normal.  The next day when I picked him up, the teachers said he used the potty all day and was only wet/poopy when he woke up from his nap.  I was almost on the floor when she told me that.  Could it be.  Could Barrett really be making this choice to start using the potty on his own?  And, at less than 2.5 years old at that! 

That night when we got home, he told daddy and Audrey about his accomplishment.  Then, he looked at me and said, "un-wear?"  (that is how Barrett says underwear).  I asked him if he wanted to put on some big boy underwear, and he got really excited.  He chose the Batman ones, and proudly put them on.  Then, we had an entire discussion of how everyone else in our house wears underwear while folding laundry.  When it was time for bed, he was disappointed to put on his diaper, but we explained that if he went potty in the toilet after he woke up in the morning, we'd let him wear underwear to school. So, guess what?  He did it.  Not only that, but he wore his underwear all day and didn't have an accident.  They did put a diaper on him at nap time, but I wouldn't expect no accidents while sleeping for a little while longer.

So, other than when we were running errands yesterday (I didn't want a puddle in the isle at Target) and when he is sleeping, Barrett has worn underwear all weekend.  He even wore them at church this morning.  I am still in a bit of shock.  I know there will be accidents from time to time for weeks still, but Barrett is now officially wearing big boy underwear, and he couldn't be prouder. 

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