Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day

It's official.  I am the mother of an elementary school aged child. Despite how that makes me feel, the kids are doing great.  For all of the build up, the past two days have gone off very well.  Yesterday, we arrived at Barrett's school just as they were serving breakfast.  I pulled a chair out for Barrett, he sat down, and started eating.  I walked out without any resistance from him.  It was a near miracle.

After dropping him off, Audrey and I had a girl's day.  It primarily ended up with running errands, but I guess that is what my mom and I always do on girl's days...shop!  One of those errands included buying some tennis shoes for Audrey, because she needs them for PE class.  She is so excited about them that she wanted to wear them today, and plans to wear them again tomorrow when she actually has PE.  Oh, did I mention that they are bright pink. 

So, this morning, after I woke up late and scrambled to get ready and make breakfast, Audrey woke up as excited as I've ever seen her.  She was in a very good mood and couldn't wait to get to school.  As such, the drop off went great.  There was another boy from her class that had just gotten dropped off too, so she was set.  She went to hang up her backpack, waved goodbye, and she was officially a kindergartener.

I left work a little early so I could pick her up before she'd been at after school care too long (because I know there will be many nights when I can't).  She was listening intently to the instructor and didn't even notice me come in.  As soon as we walked out, she started telling me stories about the day.   Here are some of my favorites.
  • They established class rules, and her contribution was to "Be respectful and listen to the teacher."
  • When we ask about friends, the first person she always mentions is Robbie.  She says they already knew each other from church, but I am already a little suspicious because of how fond she is of talking about him.
  • They went to music class today.  They read the book and sang the song of Miss Mary Mack.  All evening she's been repeating, "Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack.  All dressed in black, black, black" over and over again.
  • The only got a short time for resting.  Audrey said she did fall asleep, but it wasn't very long, because she barely slept for a second when they woke her up.  As such, she is pretty tired tonight.
  • Audrey got two snacks today.  I think one was in her class and one was in after school Adventure Club.  She keeps talking about it because she is so excited to have gotten two snacks.
I always knew she's do fine, but I am still impressed by how well she did with her first day.  In fact, she told us at dinner that she loves kindergarten and can't wait to go back.  Let's just hope that mentality sticks!

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