Sunday, August 17, 2014

Changing Schools happens every day.  Some changes, however, are bigger than others.  This week we have a lot of change coming to our household.  On Friday, I took Audrey and Barrett to Downtown Children's Center for the last time.  This is the only school either of them has ever known.  Audrey departs with many of her preschool friends for kindergarten.  Barrett leaves behind a completely intact class for Kirkwood Early Childhood Center.  The reason for Audrey's move is obvious; she is a big kid now and gets to start elementary school!  For Barrett, we decided since Audrey is closer to home, he should be too, which will help tremendously when I am out of town and Billy is the sole transport. 

Because Barrett is so young, he doesn't really grasp what is happening.  We visited his new school and his new class last week for about an hour. He was very timid at first and wouldn't even walk into the room.  After playing in the room for a couple of minutes, we went to the playground, and he was in his element.  He hopped on a trike and started chasing around the other boys on their trikes.  He will be fine, no doubt.  That doesn't mean he won't put on the waterworks when I drop him off the first few days though.

Audrey, on the other hand, has more anxiety about the change.  We've also had a lot of build up.  It started with the open house in February, the initial orientation back in April, a parent orientation this week, and then a meet the teachers event for students the following night. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the "Welcome to Westchester" sign that appeared in our lawn last week. After we went to the school for meet the teachers, Audrey informed us that she didn't like kindergarten and didn't want to go.  When I asked why, she responded that she doesn't like math and they do math in kindergarten.  I tried to mention things she does like to do that are math related, but she had made up her mind and there was no changing it.  She has gotten excited about her backpack and lunch box, buying school supplies, and even practicing the 20 minute timed lunches.  On the other hand, within 24 hours of one of these events or just a detailed conversation about kindergarten, Audrey has a meltdown.  It is never specifically about these items; in fact, it is generally something trivial and unimportant (like me dropping her off at school), but that is how I know it isn't about the trigger of the meltdown.  She is worried about going to kindergarten. 

Honestly, I may not help matters, because I am anxious for her.  She doesn't know any other kids at her elementary school.  She also has always gone to DCC, knows the teachers, and knows the routines.  They also get only 20 minutes of "rest time" in kindergarten, and even yesterday she took a 2 hour nap.  In the end, I know she'll be fine, but the next week could be rather interesting while she adjusts to the new school, the new schedule, and the new expectations put on her as a kindergartener. It will also be an adjustment for the rest of us with new routines and schedules all around. 

They always say that change is good, and I know that this is all for the best.  Audrey is such a smart, kind, and strong girl that I know she'll quickly step up to make new friends.  She'll probably be trying to tell the class what to do by the end of the month.  Barrett is so happy and easy going that he will find his new groove in no time.  Mommy will come around too.  I've had my moments; two to be exact. And I anticipate at least one more on Tuesday morning.  It is truly bittersweet.  It warms my heart to see my children having new adventures and continuing their journey to adulthood.  It is also a taste, however, of when they'll be grown and mommy and daddy won't be the two most important people in their lives. 

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