Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Lighter Load

Every morning when I go to work, it sometimes feels like I am packing for a week away.  I get my purse, try to make sure my phones are in it, and then grab my computer bag, my lunch, two kids, anything they need to take to school (swimsuit, diapers, extra clothes, etc.), my pump bag, and a cooler with an ice pack.  I unload the kids at daycare on the way, but when I get to work, I still have 4 bags to carry in the door with me. 

For those of you that have never been to my work, getting in is not easy.  Everything you bring in gets scanned in an x-ray machine, and you must walk through a metal detector.  Then, once you've recollected all of your personal items, you go through a revolving door that only turns when you scan your ID badge.  That seems like enough security, right?  Well, not quite.  There is one more security measure in place; there are motion sensors in the revolving door that ensure there is only one person in the door at a time.  No big deal...right?  Well, when you are carrying 4 bags, the door often mistakes the bags for an extra person.  So, what happens when the door thinks you are trying to smuggle in another person?  It stops without warning...SMACK! You are like a bug on a windshield.  I have seen spilled coffee, dropped bags, and even a broken thumb because of the door.  Fortunately, I have not had any major incidents or injury as a result of my extra baggage.  Over the past 10 month, I have gotten pretty good at holding my bags so that the door did not suspect them for a person, but it is still a pain. 

Last weekend, we worked on cutting bottles out of Barrett's diet during the day.  So Monday, I walked into work with two bags:  my purse and computer bag.  It was so light!  I didn't have to worry about getting caught in the door, I didn't get any comments about how many bags I was carrying from my coworkers, and my back didn't hurt by the time I got to my desk.  It is amazing!  I am thankful that I had the opportunity to nurse my son for his first year of life, but I am also loving the freedom of not having to carry extra baggage to work and on trips.

We cleaned through the bottles today to pack them away.  So, we also have an extra shelf in the kitchen and more space on the counter.  It is bittersweet, however, because this milestone also means that Barrett is no longer a baby; he is officially a toddler.  That is apparent in other ways too.  He is walking more, throwing temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way, and starting to learn fragments of words that he uses to communicate.  I guess I should stop calling him my baby boy, but I think I'll keep saying that as long as he lets me. 

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