Wednesday, February 27, 2013

9 Months

Happy 9 month birthday Mr. B!  That is the nickname that has stuck, although B-man and B-dub also get thrown in there from time to time.  It seems like boys are so much more nick-namable than girls.  Your big sis never really had a nickname, and here you have three!

The past 3 months have been crazy.  Aside from your first Christmas and moving to a new house, your own development has really progressed.  The biggest change is that you started crawling.  It was a slow start, but now you are always on the go.  We need to find a creative way to hide the electronic equipment by the TV so you will leave it alone.  Your favorite is the X-box, because you only have to touch the button and it lights up and makes noise.  Just this past week, you discovered the dog’s water bowl.  Now, every time you are in the vicinity of the kitchen and think no one is watching, you head straight for it.  You mostly want to just splash the water, but one time you did try to pull it closer to you and dumped water all over the floor and yourself. 
As long as it took you to start crawling, I don’t think it will take that long for you to learn to walk.  Within days of your newfound mobility, you started trying to pull yourself up to standing.  I guess you realized that being mobile is pretty great.  You happiest when you are holding onto something with one hand to steady yourself, and then banging something on the object you are holding onto with the other.  You will seriously stand and do that for 15 minutes straight.  It seems like the hardest part of pulling up and standing for you is actually getting back down so you can crawl.  You are very cautious, but eventually plop back on your baby bottom so that you can actually move about.




You are also starting to develop some language skills.  You have made the “ba” noise for a couple of months, but within the past few weeks have added “da,” “ma,” and “ga.”  You also say “ub” a lot when you are standing, which makes me think that you know the word “up.”  I have yet to hear  you call me ma-ma, but that’s ok.  I can tell that you love me.  When we were at the Daytona 500 party at Grandma and Grandpa’s on Sunday, everyone wanted to hold you, and you just wanted me to hold you. 
You have also made a lot of progress with your eating.  When you first started with baby food, you were constantly sucking your thumb after a spoonful of food, and I am glad to say that is no longer the case.  If it is food you like (bananas, rice cereal, pears, applesauce, peaches, sweet potatoes, corn) you gobble it up.  If it is a food you are not as fond of (peas and green beans) you clamp your mouth shut and ensure that no more enters your mouth.  You also want to be included as part of the family at mealtimes.  Initially, we would leave  you on the floor to play while we ate, and then I would feed you after I was done.  You would just cry though, and we figured out that you wouldn’t cry at all if we sat you at the table.  So, you sit in your high-chair and we give you puffs, cereal or fruit to eat while we eat, and then you get baby food.  You love to be with your family and you love to eat.  I love that you love being with us. 
Despite all of the developmental changes, there are some things that haven’t changed, and I hope never do.  You are still such a happy baby.  Getting you to giggle is really easy.  For example, when I walk down the stairs, if I just bounce a bit as I put my foot on each step, you will start a giggle storm.  The biggest giggles are when daddy throws you way up in the air.    Your sister tries to make you giggle too, but that doesn’t always work.  I think it is because she usually just wants you to do what she wants you to do.  Sometimes that means sitting in her lap (when you want to crawl) or playing with a certain toy (when your eyes are set on another).  Sometimes I think she looks at you like you are her baby doll.  I have no doubt though that she loves you dearly.   
You are almost 20 pounds and almost 30 inches long, still a pretty big boy by the standards.  I am guessing you’ll fill out more too over the coming weeks, since you are just getting over a nasty stomach bug that you managed to give to your sister and I as well. 

The next couple of months will continue to be exciting, I am sure.  First steps, lots of first foods, and even a first birthday coming up!  With all of the excitement, I hope I don’t forget to stop and enjoy the little moments like when you rub my arm or hand while you are nursing or when we lay on the bed playing with the puppies (who would rather just play with me since you like to pull their hair).  The puppies make you giggle though, so I cannot resist. Oh, and let's not forget your crazy hair.  it is seriously untamable.  You really are a joy and we are so blessed to have you as part of our family. 

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