Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holly Jolly

I like Christmas music...a lot.  I love when I can listen to it on the radio 24/7, and do so as soon as they start playing it that often.  Since I take the children to school every day, that means they have been listening to a lot of Christmas music as well.  Audrey is now familiar with a handful of holiday songs, including Jingle Bells, Away in a Manger and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Last year's favorite, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, hasn't been as popular this year.  Instead, she is very into Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.  As usual, Audrey has  her own way of singing it too.  Her version is as follows:

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas; 
 it's the best time EVER!!!

I guess you could say this Christmas was the best ever; it definitely was for Barrett,, because it was Barrett's first Christmas.  He loved eating the wrapping paper and crinkling the tissue paper.  I think he also liked the toys he got too.  Audrey is also at such a ripe age to be amazed by the splendor and to enjoy the xcitement.  We had a busy couple of days, but they were so full of fun times and our loving family.  It really was a joy to be with them all.  With all of the house chaos that has consumed our lives lately, it was nice to take a break and focus on the people we love and the Savior who loves us. 

We started by opening gifts at Nana and Papa's on Christmas Eve.  Barrett got a Pottery Barn chair with his name on it, which mommy loves.  We also discovered that when he is starting to throw a fit, if we get out the camera, he will smile and laugh for pictures and forget why he was starting to cry.

Then, Christmas Eve night, we came home to go to church at Central.  Then, we went home to put on jammies and start a new tradition.  Audrey got to have a glass of milk and a small cookie before bed. Barrett didn't have any cookies this year, but he did get to wear his special Christmas jammies.

Christmas morning, we opened gifts at home.  Audrey was so excited about her Bitty Baby car seat and the clothes she got for her.  Barrett was excited with anything he could put in his mouth that I didn't take away.

After we got dressed and ready to go, we visited Granny and Grandpa Gerdes in Litchfield for some more gifts and a delicious Christmas dinner.  Both kids got to wear their special Christmas outfits for the occasion.  Bitty baby even had a dress that matched Audrey's.


Then it was off to Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Pat's to close out the day with more gifts and more yummy food.  We really are so blessed; thanks to all of you who are a part of our lives and fill them with joy.  Merry Christmas!

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