Saturday, March 20, 2010


After being gone on business travel for four days, I returned home yesterday afternoon.  Billy picked me up from the airport, and I couldn't wait until we got back downtown to pick Audrey up from daycare.  When we got there, we walked into the room, and Audrey just stared at me.  She waved, and then walked around me to go to her dad.  I was mortified.  She didn't even seem to care that I was home.  So, I swept her up into my arms to give her a hug and walk her out to the care.  By the time we got to the car, she had remembered who I was.  She was smiling at me, and even layed her head on my shoulder.  When I put her in her carseat, she proceeded to scream as if to say, "NO!  Don't leave me again." 

Since I have been home, Billy has mentioned that she is much more of a troublemaker than she was when I was gone.  She also fussed a little during swimming lessons today when I was in the water with her, but she had never done that with her dad.  As I think about it, it has become increasingly clear that she wants daddy to play with her and mommy to comfort her.  This morning when I took a shower, daddy worked at his computer and Audrey played quietly.  As soon as she saw me, she walked over to the toilet to play with it, tried to eat dog food, and grabbed a candle to chew on.  Ugh!  Evidentally I have somehow reinforced in Audrey, more than her dad, that bad behavior will garner attention from me.  This is definitely something we will have to work on! 

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