Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Audrey is Turning One!

It is so hard to believe that it was a year ago that I was wondering whether we were ever going to meet our little girl, what she would be like, and when she would get here.  Now, she is almost running around the house, loves her books and dancing, and is keeping mommy and daddy on the run.  I know that every year will have many changes as Audrey grows, and we all get a little older, but it is hard to imagine that any future 12 month span of time could bring more amazing growth and change into our lives that the year that is coming to a close.  I thought it would be fun to do a comparison of April 2009 to April for me at least! 

  • Audrey was born at 8:53 pm on Friday, April 3 weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.  I am estimating that she now weighs about 22 pounds. 
  • She was 22.5 inches long when she was born.  Now, she is more than 30 inches long. 
  • Audrey was born with very little hair.  She now has more, but it's still not a lot.  We call her look a baby mullet. 
  • When we first brought Audrey home, her favorite activities were sleeping and eating.  Well, they were really her only activities.  Now, she loves looking at books, playing with blocks and stuffed animals, dancing, and exploring anything she can get her hands on. 
  • Audrey could not move a whole lot when she was first born.  She could turn her head, but couldn't support it.  She could move her arms and legs too, but that was about it.  Now, she is walking and starting to climb.  She discovered a child-sized rocking chair at her Great-Grandma Amanda's house this weekend, and spent at least 30 minutes climbing up into it and then sliding forwad out of it. She also started throwing the ball for the dogs this week.  Granted, it only goes about 2 feet before falling to the ground, but it is a start.  Before long, she will be Jack's best friend.
  • As a tiny infant, Audrey was Audrey, but that was really hard to define.  In case you haven't been around infants much, they don't really have much of a personality (see previous comment regarding her favorite activities).  Now, Audrey has quite the personality.  She is generally happy, inquisitive, mischievous, loving, and fun.   
  • Last April, Daddy was taking 2 classes last spring during the first semester of his graduate work for a Masters Degree in mechanical engineering.  He now has a graduate certificate in composite structures.  He is also taking only 1 course per semester now, a decision his wife greatly appreciates.  At the current rate, he will graduate in the fall of 2011. 
  • A year ago, mommy was always tired, worried about being a good mom, and trying to improve her relationship with God.  Wait...none of that has changed! 
  • When we first brought Audrey home, we often felt like we didn't know what we were supposed to be doing as parents, and it was sometimes scary.  Now, we still feel like that at times, but it isn't as scary.  We are more comfortable with our parental roles now, and that makes it easier to focus on our spousal roles as well.  
  • At the hospital right after Audrey was born, we had a continuous parade of visitors.  Our family and friends were so excited for us, and we couldn't wait for them to meet her.  I am glad to say that one year later, you are still important parts of our lives.  We will see many of you this weekend as we celebrate Audrey's first birthday.  For those of you we won't see, we hope we'll get to see you sometime soon!
As I look at my little comparison project, I realize that not much has really changed with the exception of Audrey herself.  I am astounded by how much children develop during their first year of life.  Children really are God's little miracles.  I am so thankful that we've gotten to experience this one in our lives.

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