Thursday, November 5, 2009


Audrey continues to amaze us every day with her new "talents."  I've included a list of some of our favorites for you to enjoy.  
  • Last night, Audrey made her first phone call.  When Billy set his phone on her lap for a moment, she called a fax machine.
  • Audrey has become more skilled at crawling.  Now, she can pretty much go where she wants to, as long as there are no large obstacles that she would have to climb over.  She uses this newly developed skill to make her way to the dog bowls every time she gets a chance.  No matter where she is in the house, she heads for the kitchen and the dog bowls.  Tonight, she got to them, and before we could get to her, she was picking up dog food and trying to put it in her mouth. 
  • Audrey does not like taking medicine.  She currently has an ear infection and is taking amoxicillan to fight it.  She has figured out how to turn her head, flap her arms. and stick her tongue out so that it is nearly impossible to get the medicine into her mouth; it is an even greater feet to get the medicine to stay in her mouth so that she swallows it.  
  • Audrey loves to eat baby food carrots.  She also enjoys sweet potatoes, squash and peas.  She hates green beans.  
  • Grandma Rosie gave Audrey crackers to chew on.  She would get them completely soggy, and then drop them on the floor for the dogs to eat.  
  • Grandma Lana gave Audrey Cheetos.  Audrey just likes to suck off all of the cheesy stuff.  
  • Audrey is getting good at drinking water out of her sippy cup.  We don't have the spill-proof piece of rubber in it though.  She hasn't figured out how to hold it by herself, but she does try. 
  • This morning, Jack was crouching down in front of Audrey while she crawled.  He kept moving back and forth with her; I think he's getting excited that she will be able to play with him very soon. 
  • Audrey tries to pull herself up on anything she can find.  As soon as she masters that skills, she'll be walking to the dog bowls instead of crawling! 

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