Monday, October 12, 2009

Off the Charts

Today was Audrey's six month checkup at the doctor.  She is keeping up, if not ahead of the curve, developmentally.  She is sitting up on her own, rolls back and forth, and can even get herself up onto her hands and knees.  She hasn't started crawling yet, but who is in a hurry for her to do that?  She also started clapping last week.  When the doctor entered the room today, Audrey clapped for her.

Audrey is also continuing to get closer to speaking.  Right now, the only word she says is "mama."  I am not sure that she knows what it means, but she does say it a lot.  I don't really care if she knows, it still makes my heart melt every time she says it. 

Her diet of milk has been keeping her healthy and growing.  She is now 17 lbs 8 oz and 28 inches long.  She is so long, in fact, that she is litterally off the chart for her age.  She is in the 80th percentile for weight.  And because she is growing so well, we get to start her on baby food.  Tonight, she will dine on sweet potatoes for the first time.  We will also be able to start giving her a sippy cup of water to drink.  I can't believe we are already reaching this milestone! 

We are keeping very busy with Billy working on school and because it is a busy time for me at work right now.  We are trying to make sure that we don't let all of these fun times pass us by.  It is so nice to sit down with Audrey and let her try to pull herself up on me, or just watch her squirm around trying to get her hands and knees to coordinate enough to crawl.  We are so blessed to have her. She is sitting on her blanket smiling at me right now; I guess I had better go so I can play with her. 

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