Monday, October 5, 2009

Explosive Poo

That's right; it is a reason for celebration when we get through the day without any explosive poo.  For approximately 2 weeks now, Audrey has been coming home from daycare every day in her extra change of clothes.  At first, it was a little funny; however, cleaning the poo off of the clothes and pre-treating them for the washer is getting old.  Cleaning up clothes daycare sends home is nothing though, especially compared to getting first-hand experience with the poo explosions.  

We have had a few explosive poos in the past, but as she gets bigger and eats more, Audrey's poos get more explosive and yuckier.  Last weekend, we went to the Lake of the Ozarks to go to the boat races.  If you look at the pictures, you'll notice a bunch of different outfits.  That is because of the constant poo leakages that lead to wardrobe changes. We took a long weekend and drove home last Monday. We cleaned up explosive poo a couple of times at the lake house and twice on my parent's boat.   On the way home, my parents had some issues with the truck, and eventually decided to pull over at a Ford dealership in O'Fallon, MO so they could take a look at the truck.  When we got there, I decided to take Audrey out of her car seat for a little bit to let her stretch her legs.  When I picked her up, I could smell it.  I turned her around, and sure enough, she had a large yellow-brown spot in the middle of her back.  It has leaked out of the top of the diaper and through the onesie and the pants. 

With 6 months of parenting and diaper-changing experience, we are proficient with curbside diaper changes.  Explosive poo, however, throws even the most experienced diaper aficionados for a loop.  The back of the car was full of our bags and Audrey's pack'n'play, so we had to change her on the back seat.  My mom took the dogs to walk them around so we didn't have the added element of curious dogs sticking their noses in the poo explosion. 

If you've ever had to face explosive poo, you know that it works best to clean up the baby with two people.  My mom and I had perfected the routine over the weekend, but Billy wanted to help out this time. So, I held the baby while he undressed her.  Removing poo-covered articles of clothing from a baby is sort of like playing Operation; the goal is to avoid touching the baby with the poo-soaked parts of the clothes while you pull the pants off of her legs and the onesie over her head.  Unfortunately, the 20 mph wind gusts and cramped quarters on the car seat were not conducive to a clean clothing removal.  The poo was smeared up Audrey's back and all over her arm. 

I didn't even know how to begin to wipe her off.  My mom had a washcloth and some water, but it wasn't enough.  We needed running water.  So, we wrapped Audrey, now in only a diaper, in a blanket and walked across the Ford parking lot and around the building to find a bathroom.  Then, we basically bathed her in the sink at the Ford dealership.  She came out of that bathroom clean and happy, and I found a plastic bag to keep the smelly clothes sealed for the remainder of the car ride home.

Then, last Wednesday, Audrey came home from daycare in the backup outfit I had sent with her that morning.  We had church that night, and after I fed her, hopped in the care and hit the road.  I did not put another change of clothes in her back.  When I went to pick her up in the nursery after our classes, Audrey was wearing a dress, pants, and sweater that were at least 3 sizes too big.  I don't think my uncontrollable laughing was what the nursery person was expecting upon my arrival.   

With that experience, we decided to move up to the next larger diaper size.  I definitely thought the size 3 diapers were the solution, until yesterday.  We were planning to go to the last service at church, so we decided to run some errands before-hand.  When we got to Target, we discovered...what else but explosive poo!  For the next 15 minutes we took over the family restroom at the Target in Brentwood and managed to clean up the baby, and save her cute little pink dress and white tights from permanent discoloration. 

Audrey, we love you, but enough with the explosive poo already! 

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