Saturday, April 22, 2017

Fletcher's first Easter

You may be a bit confused by the title of this post, but I assure you that it is accurate.  Even though Fletcher is now over a year old, he just experienced his first Easter.  This didn't really dawn on me until after the day was over, because typically those first holidays all happen in the first year of life.  Since Easter moves, however, Fletcher experienced his first birthday before his first Easter.

We celebrated Easter morning at church in Greenville and then had lunch with my parents and grandparents.  It was really wonderful to celebrate the birth of our Savior with my family.  We have gone to church in St. Louis the past few years, and it was fun to be back celebrating in Greenville.  Audrey decided to sit by my grandma the entire service (by her choice with no prompting) which made my grandma's day. 

Fletcher is extremely fascinated by plastic eggs, so it made him very easy to entertain.  He had more fun trying to take apart and then put things back in the eggs than hunting for them.

He was also more excited about the empty plastic eggs I put in his Easter basket to add a little color than he was about the toys. His siblings made sure he didn't forget about the toys completely though.

It had rained Sunday morning, so the grass and ground were a little soggy.  That didn't deter the older kids though.  Audrey and Barrett had so much fun finding the egs that I had a hard time getting a good picture of them.  Most of the pictures I took are pretty blurry.  Audrey especially wanted to run everywhere trying to find all of the eggs first.  She did find most of the more obvious eggs, but Barrett's patience and persistence paid off in finding a good number of the more well hidden ones.

We also managed to fit some real eggs into our Easter festivities as well.  We didn't hide the hard boiled eggs, but we did decorate them.  It is so funny to see how their different personalities even spill over into their egg decorating.  Audrey was quick and decisive on how she decorated hers.  Barrett, on the other hand took his time and enjoyed every second.  I am pretty sure that Audrey had decorated all of hers when Barrett had only done half.  Naturally, she tried to convince him to let her help him decorate the rest of his as well.  He didn't give in.

We are so blessed in so many ways, and this past weekend highlighted so many of those blessings for us.  It is truly awe inspiring just how much God loves us. At the end of the day, that's all that matters.  It's not the eggs, the games, the outfits, or even the family time.  It's just us and Him, Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Praise God! 

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