Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cabin Fever

It is snowing...again.  Sigh.  Church was canceled and none of us has left the house all day.  The road outside hasn't been plowed and looks like a skating rink.  Fortunately, it doesn't look as bad out as all of the forecasts predicted.  Nonetheless, I am ready for spring.  I think we are all ready for spring.  We have had a few fun things to do outside of the house the past couple of weeks; just yesterday we went to the boat show.  That may have actually made the cabin fever worse, however, because now we are all ready to start boating. 

At home, Billy and I have put a lot of energy into completing our winter list of things to get done around the house.   He's been painting, insulating and installing new pendant lights in the kitchen while I've been cleaning clothes, framing photos and pictures, and doing other small, random odds and ends.  The kids have found ways to have fun and try to burn off energy indoors.  Legos are always popular, so we spent some time last weekend building.  In addition, Audrey has been drawing a lot and working on her writing, while Barrett likes doing puzzles and is working on using his big-boy words.  We've also started playing games a lot.  Audrey is at that age where she can actually understand and follow rules without one of us giving her too much help.  Still, after a couple rounds of Candy Land or Yahtzee, you start to get a little restless.  As exciting as snow days can be, I hope this is our last one for a while. 

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