Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lots of Personality

While Barrett doesn't say funny things like his big sis at this point, that doesn't mean he is lacking in personality.  The only thing he is lacking is words.  Mr. B has no shortage of character, and I mean that in the worst Dennis the Menace kind of way.  He has his charm, but he also has that toddler temper.  Here are some of my favorite and not-so-favorite ways he expressed his personality.

Charming:  When Barrett waves, he puts his head above his head and waves by bending his fingers.  Everyone that sees him do it can't help but smile and wave back. 

Alarming:  Barrett doesn't particularly like walking places; he prefers to be carried.  When I do try to make him walk, he usually refuses to hold my hand and wants to walk where he wants to walk.

Charming:  Despite his recent haircut, Barrett's wispy hair continues to have a mind of its own.  I am sure the winter static will make that even worse.  Hats might be this boy's best friend.

Alarming:  Barrett still throws a fit every day when I drop him off at school.  I thought it was just moving to a new room, but it's been over 3 months, and it hasn't gotten any easier.  Some days are better than others, and the crying never lasts more than a couple of minutes.

Charming:  Barrett has a newfound love of music.  I sing to him when I am getting him ready, and when I finish the song he says "yaaaaay" and claps his hands.  He also hums to himself; I love it when he does that.  I just start humming right along.  Occasionally, he'll decide to sing to himself.  It really sounds like mumbling, but I know he is singing because he says "yaaaaay" when he is done, just like he does when I sing.

Alarming:  Barrett slobbers like crazy.  It must be a boy thing, because my brother did the same thing.  He is up to 7 teeth though, so I hope the slobbering ends soon!


Charming:  Barrett loves his "lovies" as I call them.  They are little fleece blankets that he carries around.  He has 2 at home and 1 at school.  Audrey took to her blanket, but I don't ever remember her being as attached to hers as Barrett is to his lovies.

Alarming:  When Barrett throws a fit, he doesn't hold anything back.  Big alligator tears roll down his face, he screams at the top of his lungs, and he often lays on the floor.  He doesn't seem to have a preference for laying on his stomach or his back.  I guess it is just however he lands. 

Charming:  Barrett wants to walk fast and run, but his little legs just aren't quite long enough yet.  When he is determined to pick up the pace, his stance gets wider and his arms work just as hard as his legs.  Since he often carries his two lovies in his hands, the lovies flail out to the sides while he pumps his arms and moves his little legs as fast as he can.  I call it his Frankenstein walk. 

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