Sunday, May 5, 2013

Time to Connect

It feels like we have been on the go constantly.  We haven't had much downtime lately.  We are enjoying ourselves, but we have just had so much going on that it feels like we haven't had much time to connect with the people in our lives.  We haven't seen Bill and Lana in over a month.  I saw my sorority sisters Saturday morning for breakfast, but had to leave a little early and didn't have as much time to visit as I would have liked.  Jamie watched the kids for us this  past Thursday so Billy and I could go to the Blues playoff game, but we only got to actually see each other for a few minutes.  The list goes on, but I won't.  I just wanted to illustrate my point. 

So, what keeps us so busy?  I can sum it up in three words:  work, kids, house.  During the week, we are working full days, and then coming home to eat dinner, play with the kids, give the kids a bath, and then bedtime.  Most nights over the past couple of weeks, Billy and I are both logging into our work computers after the kids go to bed to try to catch up on emails.  Oh, and don't forget the travel.  I was in DC two weeks ago, Billy was in Vermont this past week. 

Then, on the weekends, we are excited to work in our yard to make some improvements to the lack of landscaping.  Yesterday I finally let Billy cut down the evergreen shrub that was hiding our entryway.  I now wish I'd let him do that weeks ago.  The kids and I put flowers in some pots for the front porch, and we planted a tree in the front yard a couple weeks ago too.  With all of that, the front of the house is looking much better. 

Now for the kids.  What can I say about them?  They are both growing so fast.  Audrey never ceases to amaze us with her ability to comprehend.  She picks up on everything, and holds us accountable. This week at school they focused on art, and she came home telling us about artists I didn't know anything about.  She is also learning to play games, which is fun.  Candy Land is her current favorite, but she does have a little trouble losing gracefully still. 

Barrett is getting around very well these days.  He has even mastered going up the stairs.  Yesterday, Billy and Barrett were downstairs, and Audrey and I went upstairs to get dressed.  Billy went to the back door to let the dogs in (which requires drying off their paws since it has been raining for the past 3 days).  By the time he got done, Barrett was at the top of the stairs scurrying down the hall to find me.  I think it is time to break out the baby gate.  Barrett has also been taking steps.  He can take a few steps in a row, but then gets nervous and sits down. I have never seen a baby get so excited about mobility; he is happiest when he is walking with a push toy or crawling up the stairs. 

I think that pretty much sums up life in the Nance household.  We are looking forward to summer, boat rides, Florida trips, weddings, babies and all the rest.  I think the downtime away from home and work will be really good for us.  We need time to reconnect, not just with all of you, but with each other too. 

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