You say, "Daddy, I haven't worn this dress in a while."
Daddy responds, "That dress has short sleeves; it is too cold to wear that dress."
You look at the dress, then your dad. After a short pause you say, "I can wear a sweater. Ok?" and pull a sweater out of the closet.
You have a mind of your own, which can be challenging for your mommy and daddy. However, I know that it is necessary for you to become an independent adult. I just pray that you will use that mind to make good choices and follow God. You are already on the right track. You are always watching out for others and making sure everyone is taken care of. When I don't feel well, you are always the first to ask me if I am OK. You usually have advice for how I can get better too. Sometimes...well, most of the time...this can come across as you being bossy. You use those same command skills when playing with friends. You often grab Lillian by the hand and drag her along to do what you want to do. She doesn't seem to mind, yet.
You also LOVE to help. When we clean the house, all we have to do is give you a rag and you are cleaning off everything. You prefer to use the Clorox wipes to just a plain rag or paper towel, but you are still learning what you should and should not clean with those wipes (wood furniture for example). You are an especially good helper when it comes to your brother. You love helping give him baths, and anytime he starts to fuss, you are the first person to run to him. Usually, it is just enough for him to see you, and he immediately stops crying and smiles. There is no doubt that he loves his big sister.
The past six months have been a lot of change for you, but you are perservering. You definitely have your attention seeking moments, and it is at those times that I have to remind myself that you are only three and a half. You are getting to be so mature in so many ways that I often forget you aren't nine or ten years old. I love you so much and hope you never get too old to snuggle on the couch under the purple blanket or have Saturday morning dance parties in the living room.
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