Sunday, September 23, 2012

Welcome Fall

The past month has been a blur.  Work has been busy, and I made my first overnight work trip since returning after Barrett's birth.  It was only one night in Washington, DC, but it almost turned into 2 nights when I left my driver's license at Treasury.  At home...well, we haven't been at home a lot, so maybe I should say...outside of work, we've been busy too.  We were at the Lake of the Ozarks last weekend to see my parents new boat.  It was cool, overcast, and rainy, but that has never stopped us from boating before.  After such a hot, dry summer, it is really a pleasant change.  None of us were complaining. 

With cooler weather, unfortunately, comes stuffy noses.  We've all had them.  Audrey was even a little horse the other morning, so I made her a cup of tea with honey.  It was decaf, and I made it very weak, so she loved it.  Now, she keeps coming in the kitchen saying she doesn't feel good because she wants tea.  I guess she hopes that I will offer it if she acts like she is sick. I keep trying to tell her that if she wants tea, she can just ask for it. 

In the fall, I also like to break out some of our favorite fall/winter foods.  Audrey is also enamored with the items we are bringing back into our normal rotation of meals.  We had chili one night last week.  The next morning she said, "Mommy, chili soup is de-yummy-ous (I think that is the best way to spell it).  It is much better than the green soup at school."  I am not sure what the green soup is, I think it might be their white chicken chili, but I do agree that our chili is de-yummy-ous. 

Even with all of the great weather and yummy fall foods, I think my favorite part of fall is the change of pace that it holds for our family.  We enjoy going to the respective lakes where our families are, and boating, and swimming.  But it is a lot of travel and doesn't leave us much time at home. So, at this point in the year as the frequency of our trips slows down, it is a welcome change.  We have a few fun activities coming up over the next few weeks, but we will also have basically every other weekend at home.  That means more time for going to the park, enjoying bike rides, and maybe even a little bit of looking at houses.  As much as Audrey loves the lake, I think she'll be alright with the change of pace too! 

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