Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lake Rat in Training

As you can see from the most recent posts and pictures, we are in the middle of our summer routine of boating and “laking it” every chance that we get, which is typically every weekend. Billy and I both grew up around the water, becoming “lake rats” as a result. Audrey is headed for the same fate. She is already able to move herself in the water while she is swimming with her life jacket on. If we would let her, I am pretty sure she would swim all day without getting out of the water, but we do encourage her to take breaks to eat and nap. Since those are also activities that she enjoys, we have not received too much resistance to this point.

Audrey also likes to ride the wave runners (although, when she says it they are “way rudders”). However, she is very specific about who she wants to ride the wave runner with her. Her preferred riding partners are the women in her life. She refuses to ride on the wave runner with her daddy unless mommy is also along for the ride. I think she has seen him ride by himself, so who can blame her for not wanting to ride with him? I think it is also important to note that she knows the difference between the "way rudders" and the stand up, and she has not agreed to ride the stand up once so far this summer.

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