Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sing Song

See how quickly you can figure out which song Audrey is singing in this video. Why do I love watching her sing so much?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Audrey's First Cone

While we were dining out at Lion's Choice this week, we decided after finishing our meals that a $.10 ice cream cone sounded good. Naturally, I wanted the chocolate dipped one, which is actually $.28, so that is what everyone got. To our amazement, Audrey managed to eat her cone without any major messes. When we would see a drip start to form, we would point it out to her, and she would promptly turn the cone around and lick the ice cream before it slid down the cone onto her hand. She did coat her face pretty well, and she couldn't figure out what to do with the cone once the mound of ice cream on the top was gone. Nonetheless, Audrey thoroughly enjoyed her first ice cream cone.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Happy Birthday Today"

Despite what the title of this post may convey, today is not any particular person's birthday. The purpose of this post is to share that Audrey has learned to sing a version of the Happy Birthday song. While we were at the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend with family, she continually sang the song. It is clear that she doesn't really understand the proper use of it, but she is very proud of her accomplishment. Here is a short clip of her performing her version of the song. After hearing it all weekend, her version is now stuck in my head!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Watering Flowers

While we were on vacation, Audrey visited with her Nana and Papa (Nance) and Ma-Ma and Papa (York) for a few days each. During that time, my mom was determined to start the process of potty training. We have let Audrey wear big girl undies a few evenings at home, but since she has never actually done anything in the potty, have not let her leave the house without a diaper. My mom's determination, however, overshadowed her fear of the potential (and practically inevitable) potty training accidents.

Monday night, my brave mother put big-girl undies on Audrey before strapping her in the car seat to drive to Wal-Mart in Highland, which is about 30 miles away from Greenville. The purpose of the trip was for Audrey to pick out some more undies and a big-girl potty to keep at Ma-ma's house. As my mom told me about the trip, I was astonished when she informed me that Audrey made it through the entire car ride without an accident. They went into the store, and Audrey took her post sitting in the cart. The first thing my mom picked up were some artificial flowers to put at my Grandma and Grandpa's gravesite. The pair continued through the store, until Audrey started saying "uh-oh." Initially, my mom said that she didn't notice that anything was amiss. Upon closer inspection, however, she noticed that Audrey had "watered" the flowers. Oh, the joys of potty training.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where is Mommy & Daddy???

Well we just got back from a vacation and we had a great time.  One of Leslie's sorority sisters got married on Saturday in Mobile, so we went and then took a couple of extra days on the beach in Destin.  We really need some rest and relaxation on the beach.  Yesterday we hit up the Jimmy Buffet concert in STL to finish off our "fin!" But we are really ready to see our baby girl tonight when Leslie's parents bring her home.