Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going Strong

Today was Audrey's 18 month checkup.  The verdict is that she is a healthy and growing little girl.  She is now up to 25 1/2 lbs and 33 inches.  This still puts her in the 90th percentile for her size. Since eating continues to be one of her favorite activities, I am not surprised.  She does get picky from time to time; this means that one night she'll chow down on pizza, and the next she'll want nothing to do with it. 
Audrey also continues to increase her vocabulary and her skill at pronunciation.  It is so cute to watch her try to make the "L" sound; she knows that she needs to use her tongue to make that sound, but doesn't have a good understanding of exactly how to do that.  She sticks her tongue out and rolls it around in her mouth.  From time to time she'll succeed, but still lacks consistency in her use of that sound.  She has added several words to her vocabulary as well.  She has learned to associate names with people; she shows particular interest in her grandparents, whom she inquires about on a daily basis if we don't see them. 
Audrey's latest favorite word is bus.  When we are driving in the car, everything that is bigger than a minivan or pickup is a bus; utility trucks, 15 passenger vans, and of course city buses all catch her attention, so she repeats "bus" until her observation is recognized with a confirmation from Billy or I.  It is so fun to see her show interest and excitement about the things she is learning.  Audrey truly is a blessing from God, and we pray that she will continue to grow into a smart, healthy young girl. 

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