Saturday, June 19, 2010

Head Banging Baby

Most Head Banging occurs in conjunction with heavy metal music.  Audrey's head banging, however, is part of her now commonplace temper tantrums.  When she does not get something that she wants, she throws her arms in the air in dramatic fashion, and then slaps her hands on the ground.  Think about someone bowing on their hands and knees.  Unfortunately, this action also causes Audrey to bang her head on the ground.  She now has a bruise on her forehead that she reinjures at least twice a day. 
Billy and I are starting to become immune to the fits.  Audrey seems to think that she should be able to eat precisely when she wants to, that someone should pick her up any time she wishes it, and that the dogs should always bring the ball back to her after she throws it for them.  When these things don’t happen, she plops to the ground and repeats her temper tantrum ritual of squatting with her face down and her hands on the ground. 
When Audrey is not throwing tantrums, she is learning new words and becoming more inquisitive.  Her latest words are shoe, toe, and eye.  She has also become fascinated by puzzles.  Her love of blocks and books continues, and we continue to encourage that love.  She no longer takes any bottles, and she is even learning to say her prayers before bed.  Day by day, we are amazed by what Audrey can do.   Even with the temper tantrums, we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful baby girl. 

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