Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Cold

Audrey has caught her first cold.  Last night, she was sneezing a lot, and then woke up at 4 am fussing a bit.  She wasn't crying like she was hungry, she was just making a lot of noise.  I didn't think much of it, until we got up this morning; then, I noticed her nose was running and her eyes were watering.  We took her temperature, and sure enough, 100.8 degrees.  So, we stayed home from church to take care of our baby girl.  This evening, she is still running a fever, and her nose and eyes are still running constantly. 

It is so hard to see her not feeling well.  She is actually surprisingly good for being sick.  She is not that fussy, except when she starts getting really tired.  Then she naps for a bit, wakes up, and wants to play. I know it's just a cold and that she will have many more before she even starts kindergarten.  It doesn't make it any easier to watch though!

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