Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Cold

Audrey has caught her first cold.  Last night, she was sneezing a lot, and then woke up at 4 am fussing a bit.  She wasn't crying like she was hungry, she was just making a lot of noise.  I didn't think much of it, until we got up this morning; then, I noticed her nose was running and her eyes were watering.  We took her temperature, and sure enough, 100.8 degrees.  So, we stayed home from church to take care of our baby girl.  This evening, she is still running a fever, and her nose and eyes are still running constantly. 

It is so hard to see her not feeling well.  She is actually surprisingly good for being sick.  She is not that fussy, except when she starts getting really tired.  Then she naps for a bit, wakes up, and wants to play. I know it's just a cold and that she will have many more before she even starts kindergarten.  It doesn't make it any easier to watch though!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Yes, the meltdowns have begun.  Now, I am not just talking about baby, but mommy too.  That's right, I had a meltdown in the middle of Ikea yesterday.  So, here's what happened.

We went to Chicago this weekend to see Jimmy Buffet and left Audrey with my parents all weekend.  We were out in the heat all afternoon and evening on Saturday and were up late that night.  Sunday, we woke up fairly early to head home despite feeling exhausted.  Before we went home, we wanted to stop at Ikea to see if we could find something to put in the dining room that would coordinate and hold both a computer and china.  We spent 2.5 hours at the store trying to piece together what we wanted, while making sure we had enough room for all of it.  When we were almost done, Billy went to go get a flyer with info on the desk we were looking at, and I sat down to call my mom and let her know when I thought we would be home.  She told me that she was getting low on milk and might run out before we got home.  I was already tired and drained from walking around Ikea, and that was the last straw.  I started crying in the middle of the store.  I tried to contain it, but I couldn't.  So, I ran to the bathroom and calmed myself down enough to finish our shopping and get on the road.  Once in the car, I called my mom back and let the tears flow.  I was missing my baby girl so much!

After my meltdown yesterday, it was Audrey's turn today.  She had a checkup at the doctor.  Everything was going fine until I had to lay her down for the doctor to check her heart and breathing.  She started screaming.  She pretty much screamed through the rest of the exam.  I would hold her and calm her down, but as soon as she had to lay down, she let us know she didn't like it.  The last part of the visit was another round of vaccinations, which prompted uncontrollable screaming until I fed her.  I hope this isn't the beginning of a habit for doctor visits!

Despite Audrey's tantrum, we did manage to get her checked out.  She now weighs 14 lbs. 8 oz. and is 25.5 inches long.  That puts her in the 75th and 90th percentiles, respectively.  She is very healthy, growing and learning.  I think we knew that, but it is always nice to have it confirmed by a doctor!