Sunday, April 26, 2009

Audrey's Day Out

For the first three weeks of her life, Audrey stayed close to home.  On Saturday, she finally got the chance to venture out of the house and experience some exciting new places.  First, she went to a KA rush barbeque at the house of Tom and Liz Schelmbauer.  She met some other little girls, including one just 8 weeks older than her.  Much to our surprise, Audrey, at three weeks of age, weighs almost a 1/2 pound more than Abigail and definitely looks bigger.  When we went to the doctor last week, she was in the 90th percentile for weight and the 95th percentile for height at her age.  I guess this was just a more tangible manifestation of those statistics. 

After the barbeque, Audrey got to go to the zoo.  She saw hippos, elephants and tigers.  We tried to see the monkeys, since Audrey has feet that clearly take after her primate ancestors.  However, the gorillas and apes thought it was too hot and were hiding out of sight.  After the zoo, Audrey had her first experience on The Hill at Zia's.  It was a busy day, but Audrey did very well with minimal fussing.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little girl and great friends that love having her around! 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy 2 Week Birthday Audrey!

It is hard to believe that two weeks ago around this time I was about to give birth to our baby girl.  In that time, we have had the chance to bond as a family.  Also in that time, Audrey has gained a pound.  That's right...she weighs 9 lbs 9 oz.  The doctor today told us that puts her in the 90th percentile for weight at her age.  It is a good feeling to know that she is healthy and growing.  Despite the lack of sleep and a schedule, Audrey has been pretty easy these first couple of weeks.  I pray that she will continue to be healthy and happy so we can continue on this way. 

We also want to say thank you to all of the family and friends that have been sending us gifts and well-wishes.  We are really enjoying dressing Audrey up in her little outfits! 

Baby's First Easter

Audrey's first Easter has come and gone.  We went to Greenville to visit family, some of whom had not yet met Audrey.  She got to meet her uncle Brian, great-grandma and grandpa Nance, and Louellen. Audrey wore her first Easter dress and her Easter sleeper complete with bunnies on the feet.  The newborn size sleeper made it clear that she is growing quickly and will soon be out of newborn sized clothes and diapers.  She is already getting lots of baby rolls that make her irresistibly adorable! 

Easter was also a special milestone for Audrey…her umbilical cord fell off.  We can’t tell if it’s an innie or an outie, which would make it an in-betweenie, just like her mom.  Now, we can give her a real bath.  Considering how much she dislikes the sponge baths, I am sure this will be an experience!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Adjusting to Life at Home

Since we brought Audrey home, we have all been adjusting very well.  The dogs are both very interested in everything she does.  Jackson wants to be her protector; he whines every time she cries.  Stella wants to sniff her, but that's about it.  I think she is more interested in making sure the baby isn't the only one getting attention.  She even warmed up to Billy's aunt today, while she was holding the baby.  As soon as Angie put Audrey down, Stella wouldn't go near her again. 

Billy and I are managing to get a decent amount of sleep.  That is not to say that we aren't waking up a couple times a night for feedings and diaper changes.  We had to wash the changing table cover 3 times yesterday!  It's a good thing we have two to rotate.  It is tough being on Audrey's schedule as opposed to our own.  We are managing to keep enough order in the house that we aren't going crazy, but we are definitely being tested on flexibility and patience.  It is all worth it though.  She is so beautiful and loveable.  I love having her curled up in my arms.  I love watching Billy rock her to sleep.  Even though this is a big change for all of us, it still feels like a perfect fit. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome Audrey!

Audrey Rose Nance was born on Friday, April 3 at 8:53 pm.  She weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was 22.5 inches long.  She and her mom are both doing great.  The first thing her mom noticed about her was her extra long feet; she gets that from her dad.  No one can seem to decide for sure, however, who she takes after more, her mom or her dad.  Take a look at the pictures and see what you think! 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools!

Well, we made it past April 1 without the birth of our baby.  I am somewhat relieved for her, because she won’t have to share her special day with all of the pranking and jokes.  For those that got my prank email, I hope you found it as humorous as I did.  I knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to play a really good April Fool’s joke, and I couldn’t turn it down.  After all, how many people actually have their due date on April 1?  

We are still hanging in there.  I will be working one more day this week (through Friday), and I begin my leave on Monday.  If I haven’t had the baby by then, I’ll have to come up with something to do so that I don’t drive myself crazy.  I am thinking a pedicure would be nice.  Maybe I’ll be able to motivate myself to do one last good house-cleaning before the baby gets here. We’re still hoping she comes on her own before next Wednesday though.  It is a bit of a relief that the final countdown has begun.  Only 6 days to go!