Monday, January 26, 2009

Inside the Mind of the Mom

It is hard to believe that little Audrey is due just over 2 months from today (65 days to be exact).  I think it seems like it is getting so close to everyone, except me.  My stomach feels so huge, it is hard to imagine it getting much larger, and the Braxton Hicks contractions have started.  Did I mention I can only fit my swollen feet into 4 pairs of my shoes?  I have completely given up on wearing boots or anything with a heel. 
Despite the discomforts of pregnancy, we are trying to stay focused on making the most of our 65 days.  We bought a changing table this weekend to go with the crib that Billy’s mom is going to refinish (it was Billy’s crib when he was a baby).  We have also narrowed our lists for childcare providers and pediatricians.  That leaves only a couple more administrative details to be completed, so then we can focus on the fun stuff!   I went shopping with my mom this weekend, and we couldn’t resist buying some baby clothes.  It is amazing how many adorable baby outfits are out there.  I absolutely love all of the brightly colored summer dresses and rompers!  I have to practice a great deal of self-control to not buy everything I think is cute.   I do have to say, I think this will be one fashionable baby. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby Class

We have now completed 2 weeks of our 6 week childbirth class at St. John's.  Three hours a week seems like a lot, but it really goes by fast.  There is so much information, but even if we don't retain it all when the moment comes, at least it is giving us a level of comfort with the process that we wouldn't have had without the class.  We both thought we had a decent idea of what to expect, but we are realizing that what we had in our minds was the more glamorized Hollywood version of childbirth.  We thought everyone's water broke...I mean, it happened to Rachel on Friends, Charlotte in Sex and the City, and so many more.  What we learned was that only 12% of women actually have their water break before they are having noticeable contractions.  Labor has often been going on for hours before the water breaks, if it breaks without assistance at all. We have also gained so much knowledge about how labor progresses, when to go to the hospital, and ways to avoid problems.  To Billy, the most important lesson we have learned is actually in regards to the cafeteria at St. John's; they have gerbil ice.  For those of you that are scratching your heads, gerbil ice is our name for the small, soft ice they have at Lion's Choice and some QTs. 

I also think that going to this baby class has made us both more excited about the baby.  It is fun to be around a group of people that are also expecting and are going through the same experience that you are.  I have to say though, we are on top of it (as if you would expect anything different from us).  The class ends February 15, and there are couples in the class with due dates at the end of February.  It will be interesting to see if anyone doesn't make it to the last class or two before their baby comes.  That is just a reminder that the time is getting closer for us too...we can't wait!