Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Cheer

Even though we don't have the baby with us yet, she still brought a lot of cheer to our holiday season.  We got a few baby items from family and friends, the most notable being the car seat.  Stella is petrified of it.  She wouldn't sit on the couch next to it.  So, Bill went ahead and put it in the car for the drive back to St. Louis so our dogs could get used to it.  I think she's doing better with it now, but it will be interesting to see how she reacts to the other larger baby items we'll be getting like a play-pen and a swing.

Starting to get some of these important baby items brings focus to the fact that we have some rearranging to do in our little condo to make room for all of it.  While Bill was off of work the past couple of days, he has been reorganizing to make room for the baby in what is now our office.  We actually have a full shelf and a section for hanging clothes devoted to baby stuff.  There will definitely be more work to do before the changing table and crib can move in, but it does feel good to make progress.  We continue to pray that we do find a buyer for our condo and move to a bigger house before little Audrey arrives, but it never hurts to prepare just in case we don't.  After all, we are the planning type! 

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