Thursday, December 10, 2020

Happy Birthday Mom

2020 has been like no year before and has been very challenging for our household like many others.  Lucky thus far we have all been healthy with no signs of COVID, but we have had challenges with work sche bdules (me at work and Leslie remote at home), online schooling, and all the stress with a family not having a lot of space or normalcy.  Leslie has been handling all of this like a super mom.  I have no idea how she is managing it all (work and the kids), but she is doing an outstanding job.  Her time has been very precious this year and that is probably one of the reasons for the lack of blogging, so here I am...  i really just wanted to take the time to recognize how awesome and special of a woman she is.  Our family is truly blessed to have her in our lives and I thank God for her love and support everyday.  Kids I hope you learn more from her than me as then you will all truly be fine in life.  Anyways I love you Leslie and Happy Birthday!!!