Saturday, May 22, 2010

Audrey Goes to the Beach

We just got back from our first family vacation since Audrey’s birth.  We went to Destin, Florida with some friends to spend some time relaxing on the beach.  I was extremely nervous about how Audrey would do on the airplane, especially since she just got over an ear infection.  We had layovers in Dallas going to and from Florida, so that meant four flights with four takeoffs and four landings.  Our flight left St. Louis at 6 am, which meant we got up to leave for the airport around 3:30 am.    We thought Audrey would go back to sleep on the way to the airport, but she did not.  That made her extremely tired by the time we got on the plane.  So, after a bottle of milk, she went straight to sleep and slept for most of the first flight.  She also slept during the takeoff and landing of the second flight.  On the return home, she left the entire flight to Dallas and was awake for the flight to St. Louis.  She did not like being forced to stay in mom and dad’s laps that last flight, so we were glad to get back to St. Louis. 
Our first day in Florida, we went straight to the beach after lunch and unpacking.  That first day, Audrey was still tired from getting up early, which I think contributed to her initial dislike of the sand.  She could not keep her balance very well in it.  She was tired enough to fall asleep on a beach towel under the beach umbrella though.  By the second day, Audrey discovered that the sand was fun to play in.  At that point, she started eating it, walking in it, and throwing it at everyone.
 The waves were scary for Audrey.  She did not like the fact that they could knock her over when she was standing.  She was content to sit in her dads lap and let the waves wash up on her though.  Audrey did like the swimming pool.  There were steps that she would sit on to splash her feet and throw her toys.  We tried letting her float in her life jacket, but it was too big and came up over her head; needless to say, that did not make her very happy. 
Audrey also had a good time hanging out with Billy’s friends at the condo.  She learned to do some Jedi flips, which basically consisted of her dad flipping her though the air.  She also worked on her somersaults and learned to put blocks on her feet.  Audrey also got to try some hushpuppies, which she seemed to like a lot.  She has a really healthy appetite, which explains why she keeps growing so darn quickly. 
All in all, Audrey was really good during the trip.  She is getting more fond of hats, since we won’t let her go out in the sun without one.  She doesn’t like getting smothered in sunscreen, but she is just going to have to deal with that.    The trip made us really excited to visit the lakes this summer to see her swim and play.  She did so well with the pool that we think she will just love being in the lake water.  We are headed to Lake of the Ozarks for Memorial Day, so we’ll post more pictures of that trip when we get home.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fat Lips and Tantrums and Hives...Oh My!

Audrey is entering the toddler stage, and with that comes more cuts and bruises as well as the toddler temper tantrums.  Since she began walking back in January, Audrey commonly gets scrapes and bruises from tripping, hitting her head tables (because she doesn’t realize how tall she is) and climbing.  Lately, however, she has made a habit of having physical injuries while mommy is gone.  While mommy was at the Jimmy Buffet concert last week, Audrey fell off of the couch while playing with her dogs and busted her lip open.  She had a huge fat lip for a couple of days, and Monday, Audrey was starting to look normal again.  Then, Monday night, mommy went to Columbia to visit the Phi Mu chapter, and Audrey broke out in hives.  We still don’t know what caused them, but the hives were a blessing in disguise, because when we took her to the doctor, they found that she has an ear infection.  Wednesday morning, we woke up, and the hives were all but gone.  Then, Audrey came home from daycare Wednesday with a bruise on her forehead.  It’s always something!
Audrey’s other new talent is throwing temper tantrums.  She threw a good one while daddy was gone, and she and mommy were coming home from church.  Mommy was carrying groceries and wanted Audrey to walk down the hall from the elevator to the front door, but Audrey decided to sit down in the middle of the hallway and wail for 5 minutes.  Just the other night, Audrey threw a fit because we would not give her another piece of white chocolate candy that daddy brought back from Israel.  She stood by the cabinet where we stored the candy and cried for about 5 minutes until she got distracted by the dogs.  She also likes to throw a temper tantrum when she is standing on the elevator, it opens on the wrong floor (for another Marquette resident to get on or off), and we stop her from exiting the elevator.  She really does not like to be told “no.”  Ahh, the joys of toddler-hood.