Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Didn't Your Mom Tell You It's Not Polite to Point?

Evidentially I didn’t teach Audrey that it is not polite to point, because she has started pointing at things she wants to see more closely.  When she points, she wants someone to take her to the item she is pointing at so she can touch it, inspect it, and often try to put it in her mouth.  This weekend we went to the Lake of the Ozarks and spent the weekend with Grandma Lana and Papa Nance.  Audrey would constantly point at the puppies and try to pet them.  Unfortunately, her idea of petting is more like hitting, and the puppies don’t like it very much.  Audrey found a captive dog in Sonny, because Sonny is old enough that she didn’t really feel like moving, so she would just let Audrey “pet” her, as long Audrey didn’t try to grab her face. 
Audrey is at the age now where each day it seems like she is discovering or doing something new.     She makes funny faces, eats new things, and makes new noises.  She has also started understanding things that we say.  When we say “bye bye” she waves.  When we say bottle, she grins.  It never ceases to amaze me how much she develops each and every day.   The one thing that hasn’t changed is her desire to cuddle with her mama when she is tired or doesn’t feel good.  I know that will change someday, but I’ll continue to enjoy it while I can.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Party Girl

We have been a busy bunch these past couple of weeks.  Last weekend we had dinner with friends, lunch with grandma and grandpa (York), a Super Bowl party, and a hockey game.  This weekend we went to the boat show, had dinner with grandma and grandpa (Nance), and went to a Daytona 500 party.  This coming weekend we are going to the lake.  I am glad that I had today off to get some things done around the house.
Even with all that is going on, Audrey continues to be such a good baby.  She has learned to turn her palm up and move her fingers as if to say, "gimme, gimme."  She makes that motion when she wants food, toys, a person, etc.  It is clear that she has figured out how to get what she wants. 
Audrey also continues to get close to walking.  She can take a few steps here and there, but still gets down on her hands and knees when she has a longer distance to go.  Her grandmas like to try to get her to walk by holding something she wants a few feet in front of her.  Learning to walk really is a slow process; it has been over a month since she started standing on her own. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Audrey has been pretty fussy these past few days.  We actually took her to the doctor on Friday because she had a slight fever and runny nose, was refusing bottles, and was just uncharacteristically fussy.  To our great surprise, the diagnosis was teething.  We hoped it would pass quickly, but here it is two days later, and the babe is still not feeling well. She is quite a sight to behold right now with the stream of drool, boogers and nasty bruise on her cheek.  The bruise is a result of her being too quick for her mommy and tumbling off the bed yesterday while I was folding laundry at the foot of the bed. 

Since she is still running a slight fever this morning, we are letting her be nakey-baby.  It is highly entertaining for us, because she doesn’t like to crawl on the hardwood with bare legs, so she does a bear crawl.  She can stand on her own and take a few steps, so I am surprised she doesn't just muster up the determination to walk.  Her friend at daycare, Kylie, is walking on her own now, so I know it is only a matter of time before Audrey finds the balance to go from place to place on two feet.  I have no doubt that by this summer we'll be chasing her around the yard at both of the lake houses.  It is going to be fun trying to keep Audrey from getting too close to the edge of the boat dock.  Is it summer yet?